March 24, 2025

Nissan 240sx S13, S14, and S15

The 240sx Life – Guides Pictures and Parts

Brake Bleeding (s13, s14)

Bleeding Nissan 240sx Brakes

Brake Bleeding (240sx s13, s14)

Bleeding the brakes on your Nissan 240sx shouldn’t be difficult or confusing. When ever you replace calipers whether they are OEM Nissan or Z32 Upgrade calipers, it is mandatory to bleed your system. This ensures you do not have any air bubbles which could cause squishy brakes, and other issues. This bleeding method is also suggested for those installing a Hydraulic  E-brake.  This tutorial makes it so you can do it yourself so there is no need to have a friend help. No special tools are needed but some will be suggested to make the job easier.


Tools needed

  • 8mm or 10mm Wrench “depending on what caliper you are working with”
  • Brake Fluid
  • Jack Stands / Jack
  • Recommended Bleeder

One person Brake BleedThis is a cheap and re-usable One-man Brake Bleeder kit for under $10 from amazon. Image takes you to the amazon page where you can purchase it.


There are  2 ways to do this and you can choose which one works for you.

Method 1) Jack up all 4 corners and place your 240sx on 4 jack stands to remove all 4 wheels at once.

Method 2) Jack up and remove 1 wheel at a time. Remember to use a jack stand for safety, if you don’t have one, remove your tire and place it under your frame rail so if the jack fails you or your car don’t get hurt or damaged.

Once you have access to the calipers it is best to know the proper order or sequence on which to properly bleed the calipers. “Yes” there is a proper way to do this. Starting from 1,2,3, and 4 or from the furthest from the master brake cylinder to the closet, Passenger Rear (1), Driver Rear(2), Passenger Front(3), and Driver Front(4) being the last one.

240sx Caliper Bleeding order

Remove the lid to your master brake reservoir, and top off the fluid level leaving the lid off. Now go to spot 1, Passenger Rear and set up the bleeder.

bleeding caliper

Now the best part of this bleeder is the built in check valve, so no need to pump your brakes, hold, open the bleeder, then close. You simply pump your brakes then check your fluid level, add fluid as needed. If you fill the bottle empty and continue, the amount of pumping all depends on how much air comes out, if you see nothing but fluid with 0 air bubbles in the clear hose, you are good, tighten up the bleeder and move to stop (2) Driver rear and repeat.

Hydraulic Ebrake

The same method can be used hydraulic hand brakes commonly used for drifting.

If you don’t wanna spend the money on this bleeder kit, you can use a vacuum hose, and a bottle with some fluid in it and that works as well.

bottle brake bleed



Hopefully this helps you Brake Bleeding ( 240sx s13, s14)